中联橡胶股份有限公司(简称“中联橡胶”)成立于 1993 年,发展至今已成为国际上橡胶专业领域颇具影响力的会展和贸易公司。 2016 年10月21日公司在全国中小企业股份转让中心成功挂牌新三板(股票代码:838665)。
公司及下属全资、控股子公司形成的集团业务群主要涵盖汽车改装和橡胶行业的会展及贸易业务。会展业务主要包括主办中国国际橡胶技术展览会( RubberTech China)、大湾区国际橡胶技术展(RubberTech GBA)、全球布局 RubberTech 品牌系列的海外国际橡胶专业展览会、中国汽车文化风尚秀(GT Show),同时还提供海外十多个国家相关专业展会的组展组团服务;贸易业务主要从事橡胶原辅材料的进出口和国内的销售业务。
China United Rubber Corporation (short as CURC) was established in 1993. After the development of 30 years, it has become a reputable company for trading and exhibition service in the rubber industry and auto modification industry both at home and abroad.
The exhibition business includes organization of RubberTech China (the International Exhibition on Rubber Technology), RubberTech GBA (the GBA International Exhibition on Rubber Technology), oversea exhibitions of RubberTech series, GT Show series in Suzhou and Foshan, and other auto-culture activities,as well as participation service for relative foreign exhibitions. The trading business includes the import and export as well as domestic distribution of rubber raw materials, tire and rubber products and rubber machinery.
通讯地址:北京市朝阳区慧中路5号C座12层, 100101
联系电话:010-53779600 传真:010-53779608
Address: 12th Floor, Tower C, Yuanda Center, No.5 Huizhong Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101 P.R. China
Tel: +86 10 53779600 Fax: +86 10 53779608